Access the Western Canadian market

We develop relationships and strong partnerships between key players in various sectors of activity in France and western Canada. We favor the growth of your French businesses by supporting you in developing in this vast region.

France Executive Circle helps you create professional opportunities between French and Canadian companies, by putting you in contact with decision makers.

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Vancouver | France Executive Circle

Our Services

France Executive Circle is your ally in development of your prospecting and the identification of opportunities on the Canadian market. The France Executive Circle's unique expertise is based on three key areas:

Prspects | France Executive Circle


Implantation | France Executive Circle


Investissement | France Executive Circle


Our Partners

2020INC logoThe Paak logoToother logo

Our Added Value

Thanks to his establishment in western Canada, as close as possible to the key players, France Executive Circle is a ideal partner to access the Canadian market or for your development in France.

Accompagnement | France Executive CircleDéveloppement | France Executive CircleGénérer des affaires | France Executive Circle

Generating business flows

France Executive Circle becomes your key partner to connect you to the Canadian market or to France. Our support will help you generate business quickly.

Accelerate your development

We put at your service our expertise as well as the best commercial development tools to date, in order to provide you with multi-channel support to accelerate your development on the Canadian market with multi-channel support to accelerate your development in the Canadian market.
During our missions, we are committed to working alongside you in order to adapt your offers and products to market expectations, with the aim of defining an effective strategy and an overview of potential targets.
We leverage the strength of the network of French Chambers of Commerce abroad.

Support your actions in the field

We put our network of partners at your disposal through field meetings organized every year in Western Canada. Thanks to our roots and our establishment in Canada, we are in a position to better support and represent you.

Our Tailor-Made Offers

Identification | France Executive Circle

Identifying contacts

We share with you a list of potential contacts based on your criteria, thanks to our expertise and our comprehensive database of the Canadian market.

Prospects | France Executive Circle

Customized prospecting

Our team uses the best tools to create multi-channel contact sequences, in order to effectively prospect and guarantee above-average results.

Rencontres | France Executive Circle

Qualified appointments

We guarantee a minimum number of qualified appointments. Quality prevails over quantity, so you benefit from relevant and effective professional interviews.

Audits | France Executive Circle

Analysis of the results

Our team informs you transparently of the progress of the mission. At the end of it, you have a complete report to understand what's next.

Relations publiques | France Executive Circle

Public relations

Meetings with the main media and local influencers depending on the destination (Radio Canada, Daily Hive, Global News, etc.). With interviews and guaranteed articles.

Délégation | France Executive Circle

Delegation & Visits

A delegation is set up (in a Canadian city) to guarantee qualified appointments, with a different theme being explored in depth each day.

Contact Us

Contact us if you want more information or make an appointment directly with us.

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