The presence of Europe in BC & What recovery plan?

Guillaume Roy & Xavier Bonnet

January 29, 2021 7:00 AM

To start this year 2021, we invite you to our next virtual meeting on Friday, January 29, 2021 from 7 am to 8:15am PST . We will discuss the following two themes: The presence of Europe in BC and What recovery plan?

On the program:

  • Guillaume Roy, Deputy Consul General, will present a detailed study of the census of European presences in BC, followed by a Q&A session,
  • Xavier Bonnet and Maxime Augé (Regional Economic Service of the Embassy) will come to give us their insights from Ottawa on the economic situation and recovery opportunities. We will share with them our situation in B.C.
  • Finally, we will keep time to discuss the various topics discussed.

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